Symplocos stellaris
Brand, Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 29(3-4): 528. 1900. (Bot. Jahrb. Syst.)
Li, Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 43: 109. 1953. (J. Wash. Acad. Sci.)
Symplocos eriobotryaefolia Hayata
Bobua eriobotryaefolia (Hayata) Kanehira & Sasaki
Dicalix stellaris (Brand) MigoMigo, Bulletin of the Shanghai Science Institute 13: 206. 1943. (Bull. Shanghai Sci. Inst.)
中老鼠矢. 枇杷葉山礬.
英Loquat-leaf symplocos.
Lu, Ou & Lu, Illustrations of Trees of Taiwan 2: 149. 1998. (Ill. Tr. Taiwan)
Yang, A list of plants in Taiwan . 1982. (List Pl. Taiwan)
- Evergreen shrubs or small trees; twigs dark brown, terete, the pith regularly lamellate, young twigs thick, grayish, red-brown tomentose, and soon glabrescent, ridged below petioles. Terminal buds ovoid to obliquely ovoid, red-brown tomentose, 5–7 mm long.
- Leaves coriaceous, narrowly elliptic, narrowly oblong or narrowly obovate, 8–15(–22) cm long, (2–)2.5–5(–6) cm wide, apex acute to short acuminate, base cuneate to short attenuate, rarely rounded, margins (often much) recurved, entire but often distally with glandular teeth, shiny, glabrous on upper surface; glaucous on lower surface, glabrous or rarely sparsely hairy on midrib, midrib impressed on upper surface but often slightly prominent near base, very prominent on lower surface, nerves 7–16 pairs, impressed on upper surface, slightly prominent on lower surface, reticulation obscure on lower surface, petioles glabrous or sparsely hairy, adaxially sulcate, 10–40 mm long.
- Inflorescences a condensed spikes, terminal or axillaryon twigs and/or from axils of leaves, bracts orbicular to widely ovate, 2–4 mm long, apex obtuse, abruptly acute, sometimes with few glandular teeth on distal margin, bracteoles 2, obliquely oblong to obliquely ovate, (1.5–)2–3 mm long, apex rounded, both persistent, inside glabrous adaxially, outside rusty tomentose abaxially, margin ciliate. Calyx tube glabrous, ca. 1 mm long; limb 1.5–2 mm long, lobes ovate, 1–1.5(–2) mm long, rusty tomentose, margin ciliate; corolla white, 7–9 mm long, deeply 5-lobed, lobes elliptic, ciliate on distal margin, tube 1.5–2 mm long; stamens 20–40, pentadelphous; disc cylindrical, glabrous, 0.5–1 mm long; style glabrous 9–13 mm long, ovary 3-locular, with 4 ovules 4 per in each locule.
- Fruits bluish black, narrowly ovoid, often slightly curved, 7–10 mm long, 3–5 mm in diam. excluding persistent calyx lobes, stones narrowly ovoid, with 10 lengthwise grooves, mesocarp thin; endocarp woody, seed 1, straight, with straight embryo.
- 台灣 : 600–2,500 m altitude.
- 世界 : The Ryukyus and S. China
TAIPEI: Urai, Loa 215. ILAN: Peihenggonglu 71–74K, Yang s. n. HSINCHU: Luchuangtashan, Fukuyama 3381. MIAOLI: Compartment 133, Kuo & Kao 473. TAICHUNG: Hassensan, Iida et al. s. n.; Chikashanchuang, Chiu 1984; Wuling Farm to Chikasanchuang, Hsu 655. NANTOU: Chitou, Yamazaki & Yamazaki 150; Renluan logging track, Lu 15896; Meifeng Farm, Leu 456. CHIAYI: Alishan, Hayata s. n., U. Faurie 178, Kokawa 82, Satow 202, Chen 4029. KAOHSIUNG: Qishan, K. Mori; Maolingshan, Chen 109. PINGTUNG: Kenting, Izumi & Togashi. HUALIEN: Chungyangchienshan, Suzuki & Fukuyama ST17833; Taipingshan, Suzuki 1033, 4000.
共有 24 份典藏標本
王震哲 J.C.Wang, C.H.Chen, C.T.Lu, etc.
新竹 Hsinchu
Yu-Fa Wang
新竹 Hsinchu
屏東 Pingtung
嘉義 Chiayi
T.Yamazaki, F.Yamazaki
南投 Nantou
Kou, Kao
苗栗 Miaoli
H.Keng, Kao
台北 Taipei
H.Keng, Kao
台北 Taipei
Yu, Liu, Kao
台北 Taipei
清水英夫 Hideo Shimizu
屏東 Pingtung
山本由松 Yoshimatsu Yamamoto, 森邦彥 Kunihiko Mori
高雄 Kaohsiung
佐佐木舜一 S.Sasaki
台北 Taipei
鈴木時夫 Suzuki-Tokio, Hukuyama-Noriaki
花蓮 Hualien
佐佐木舜一 S.Sasaki
嘉義 Chiayi
N.Iida, M.Tajima, M.Okayama
台中 Taichung
福山伯明 N.Fukuyama
苗栗 Miaoli
鈴木重良 Sigeyosi Suzuki
宜蘭 Ilan
鈴木重良 Sigeyosi Suzuki
宜蘭 Ilan
鈴木重良 S.Suzuki
宜蘭 Ilan
鈴木重良 Sigeyosi Suzuki
宜蘭 Ilan
島田彌市 Yaichi Shimada
新竹 Hsinchu
嘉義 Chiayi
Hayata, Kanehira, Tanaka
嘉義 Chiayi
早田文藏 B.Hayata
嘉義 Chiayi